April,12 2009
On behalf of the Dietz Neighborhood Association we want to thank everyone
for helping make the 9th Annual Easter Egg Hunt a wonderful time for all the
kids in the neighborhood.
The weather was great on the day of the event, April 4 2009, and the
children had so much fun. All the volunteers put in a lot of time and effort to
pull the event together, get all the eggs ready and set up the playground.
The kids were so excited and when we said "Ready - Set - Go", it only took
them about 15 minutes to find all the eggs.
There were about 100 children, as well as their parents in attendance. We
had some great prizes, candy & refreshments and no child went away
empty handed.
This yearsDonations:
1.Gift Cards-Pizza Hut
2. $30.00 Gift Certificate-Frys Super Markets-Norma Rivera
3.. $50.00-State Farm -Dave Noel
4. Jumping Castle Jump Maxx
We also wish to thank the following business and people for there time
and donations.
1. eggees
2. Dietz PTA
3. Tucson Medows
6. Lisa McCorkle,, Kathy Van Honre, Joan Madlock, Jeri
& Scott Ward, Linda Howell, Georgia Brousseau, Barbara &
Bob Thompsom
Edwin Brousseau