Of the
1. The name of this association shall be Dietz Neighborhood Association
2. It shall encompass the area bounded on the north by 22nd Street, on the east by Pantano Parkway, on the south by Golf Links Road, and on the west by Kolb Road.
1. The membership of this association shall be composed of two categories: Voting Members and Associate Members.
A. A Voting Member shall be a person who owns real property or whose principal residence is within a single family dwelling within the Dietz Neighborhood Association boundaries, is 18 years old or older, and is in good standing with current dues. Each voting member will have one vote.
B. An Associate Member shall be a person, business, agency, or organization, other than a property or principal resident, interested in the progress of this neighborhood or of the association, and shall not be accorded any voting rights.
C. If an Associate Member wishes to become a Voting Member, approval will be required (2/3 majority vote) by Voting Members present at any quarterly or annual meeting. Upon payment of dues, the Associate member will be accorded one vote and have the right to hold office.
2. Dues will be determined by the voting members of the Dietz Nighborhood Association at the annual October meeting of each year. Dues must be submitted each year.
3. Any membership, whether Voting or Associate, shall be subject to renewal at the end of each calendar year, and shall not retain any privileges or voting rights without renewal. Payment of annual dues shall constitute renewal of membership privileges.
4. Dues amount can be altered only at the annual October meeting of each year.
1. An officer must be a Voting Member of the Association, and must be in good standing. Only one member of a household may hold office during any single term. Officers of this Association shall hold office for a term of two years, or until their successors are elected. An officer shall not hold more than two (2) consecutive terms in any of the offices. No members shall hold more than one office at a time.
2. The term of office shall begin at the January meeting where the first item of business shall be to swear in new officers. The duties of the officers shall be as follows:
A. The President shall call and preside at all meetings, shall act for and on behalf of the membership of the Association, shall appoint t any special committees necessary for the operation of the business of the association, and shall act as official spokesperson of the association. The President shall be elected in odd numbered years.
D. The First Vice President shall, in the absence of the First VicePresident,assume all duties of that office;, and shall be responsible for publicity. The First Vice-President shall be elected in even numbered years.
E. The Second Vice President shall, in the absence of the First Vice President, assume all duties of that office, and shall be chairperson for any fund-raising. The Second Vice President shall be elected in odd numbered years.
F. The Secretary shall keep a permanent record of all formal meetings, all legal documents, and legal transactions of the Association. The Secretary shall transcribe the minutes of each meeting and shall provide one copy to the President and to the Historian, if any, of the Association within 25 calendar days of each meeting. The Secretary shall be elected in even numbered years.
G. The Treasurer shall establish a bank account in the name of the Association,
2. The officers of the Dietz Neighborhood Association shall constitute an executive board which shall meet from time to time between quarterly meetings of the association. The executive board shall be empowered to conduct the necessary business of the association in its best interest. The President shall chair the executive board.
A. The immediate past president shall serve as an ex-officio member of the executive board, and shall have no vote.
1. The President shall have the power to appoint committees and committee chairpersons as necessary to implement the purposes of the charter.
2. The President shall be an ex-officio member of all committees.
1. The Annual Meeting shall be held in the month of October at a time and place designated by the President. Other meetings shall be determined by the executive board holding as close to quarterly as possible.
A. Not less than twenty (20) percent of the Voting Members shall have the privilege of petitioning a special meeting at any time.
B. The voting members present shall constitute a quorum.
C. At least five (5) days notice shall be provided in advance of any association meeting.
1. Nominations of officers shall be made from the floor of the Annual Meeting.
2. Election of officers shall be held on the same day as the nominations.
3. If possible, elected officers should be from various areas of the association boundaries for fair representation.
4. Election tellers will be needed for the initial Annual Meeting. In the event an election teller is nominated for an office, he or she shall be removed as election teller and replaced by an alternate who will be appointed by the president.
5. Upon installation of the officers, whose terms begin in January, all documents, records and other materials which are in the possession of the outgoing officers, shall be submitted to their newly elected counterparts within 15 days of installation.
6. Any vacancies occurring during the term of any officer shall be filled by appointment of the remaining officers.
7. An officer may be removed from office for cause by a majority vote of the officers. An officer may be removed from office for cause by a 2/3 majority vote of voting members present at a meeting called for the purpose.
8. In the event of the removal of an officer, all documents pertaining to the officer’s various neighborhood association functions, shall be transferred to the person appointed to fill the office. The transfer shall occur within five (5) calendar days of the officer’s removal.
1. Withdrawal of funds of the Association may not be made without the signatures of the Treasurer and one other elected officer. All officers, unless prohibited by law, will sign the bank card following their election. In the case of emergency, the signatures of any two (2) elected officers will meet this requirement.
2. No signatories can be related to each other.
3. Financial records and funds of the Association shall be audited at least once a year, or before a new treasurer takes office, by a committee consisting of at least two (2) voting members of the association, appointed by the President.
1. These bylaws may be amended by a 2/3 vote of the Association membership.
2. Proposed amendments shall be sent to all members at least five (5) days in advance of the meeting where action is to be taken.
The Dietz Neighborhood Association and these, its Charter and Bylaws, are hereby inaugurated and ratified on this date by the signatures of its current officers.
These bylaws were adopted October 18, 1999.
These bylaws were amended October, 2004.