Dodge/Flower Neighborhood Association

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Welcome to Dodge/Flower Neighborhood!

In early 1999, Dodge/Flower N.A. was created by Joy O'Brien (a resident on Flower at that time) after a neighbor of hers was hit by a car. Safety issues such as speeding, lack of sidewalks and lighting were of primary concern. The Ward 3 office promptly facilitated the installation of two speedhumps on Flower, east of Dodge.

At the initial meetings, neighbors were encouraged to join together to address quality of life issues within our neighborhood. At subsequent meetings, neighbors listed their top five concerns as follows:  MORE...

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A Message from your neighborhood Avon lady!

Hello everyone! I'm new to the neighborhood and would like to introduce myself! I'm Nichole and I'm an Independent Avon Sales Rep. I have been selling long myself, but my mother sold Avon for about 15... more
Started: December 17th 2009Replies: 0

Foreclosure Prevention Workshop Sat. Oct. 11th

Foreclosure Prevention Workshop For Homeowners Sponsored by the Pima County Foreclosure Prevention Coalition Questions? Contact: Don't Borrow Trouble® Pima County (520) 792-3087 or more
Started: October 1st 2008Replies: 0

Trash and Recycling Bins

My family wholeheartedly supports and participates in the recycling effort. However, just as expected, there are now DOUBLE the barrels remaining at the curbs throughout the week. This is in violation... more
Started: January 12th 2003Replies: 1

Dodge/Flower Neighborhood Association Real Estate and Home Values

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203k FHA Loan FAQ
Disrepair2sm The FHA 203K program has been utilized as a primary tool in revitalizing run down properties and neighborhoods. This FAQ will answer many questions that a prospective buyer might have. What is the FHA 203K...
Tags: HomeownerFHA LoanMortgage203K

Neighborhood Resource Guide

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Selling Your Condo? Here's What Buyers Want...
Homesm Buyers continue to be attracted to condos for their convenience and amenities. Here’s how to make yours stand out among the competition. What buyers want in a condo varies from region to region and city ...
How To Collect Delinquent HOA Dues and Fees
Duessm Learn simple, effective and low-cost ways to collect past-due homeowners association fees. If you own property that is managed by a homeowners association, then you know the importance of the fees that are...
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