East Tugalo Neighborhood Association

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Community yardsale

Good morning everyone. I am planning to have a yardsale in August. I think it would be great if anyone else interested in having one would join me. I am flexible about dates. I can do Aug 11, 18 or... more
Started: July 28th 2018Replies: 1

Traffic Speed on E Tugalo

As you may, or may not, know, the issue of vehicles traveling at excessive speeds on E Tugalo as been an ongoing concern for sometime. We've seen motorcycles doing wheelies, cars and trucks in excess... more
Started: June 13th 2018Replies: 0

I work at a hotel and I have feral cats

Good Morning all..   I saw where everyone was talking about the TNR program and I was not sure if that would apply to the two males at the hotel..    I have started feeding them .. yet... more
Started: May 29th 2023Replies: 0

East Tugalo Neighborhood Association Real Estate and Home Values

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Tips On Buying a Home
Hmbuy_th The U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD) provides information on a full range of housing topics including renting, buying, selling, and home improvements at http://www.hud.gov/. Links to...
Tags: HomeownerHousingFinancialMortgage

Neighborhood Resource Guide

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Clear The Clutter: Organze Your Financial Records...
Organizesm Learn how to organize your financial documents and clear your paperwork clutter. Organizing your financial documents doesn’t have to be complicated; in fact, the simpler your system the more likely...
When NOT To File A Homeowners Insurance Claim
Umbrella Sometimes it’s better to pay for damages to your home than to file a claim and risk increased premiums—or a canceled policy. Find out when you should not file a claim. You’re being tracked....
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