Coordinator Richard Tarver
2058 East 41st Street
Brooklyn NY 11234
Home: (718) 840-7365
Coordinator Jean-Louis Camille
2052 East 41st Street
Brooklyn NY 11234
Home: (718)710-1149
Fax: (718) 951-6160
The mission of this Block Association is to promote good neighbors among the residents of East 40th and East 41st Street (between Kings Hwy and Flatlands Avenue,Brooklyn) and to improve our quality of life by seeking solutions to the community problems that we all face.
Members will be asked to support activities that improve the quality of life for residents of East 40th and East 41st Street as well as the surrounding communities.
Everyone who lives within our neighborhood is invited to join our Block Association meetings. We hope that all members attend as many monthly meetings as possible.We assemble at the Flatlands Reform Church meeting hall on the third Friday of each month. Meeting time is 7:30 P.M.