EastGate Neighbors N/A

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Welcome to the Eastgate Neighborhood of Fort Worth

We are bounded on the east by the western city limits of River Oaks, just South of Burger's Lake.  We are bounded on the North, West & South by the West Fork of The Trinity River. 

We are the older Fort Worth neighborhood located immediately outside of the East Gate entrance to the Naval Air Station Joint Reserve Base, across the river to our West. Our voluntary Neighborhood Association is very active and welcomes new members every other month on the second Monday night on the even numbered months at 7:00 PM,  meeting at Westside Victory Church at 6154 Meandering Rd.  Crimewatch meets the 4th Thursday of every month at 7:00 PM, same location.  Come and meet your friendly, informed & involved neighbors!

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On April 14, 2014 the Eastgate Neighbors held thier meeting at Westrside Victory Church. The main topic on the agenda was election of board members for the next two years.The appointed committees... more
Started: May 1st 2014Replies: 0


Eastgate Neighbors met on April 14, 2014 and our agenda included electing our board members. This is in accordance with City Fort Worth rules, that board members serve no more than two terms in... more
Started: April 15th 2014Replies: 0


WHAT: Board elections will be held at our April 14, 2014 meeting. WHO: any of our members who live in our area. WHERE: 6154 Meandering Road TIME: 7:00 PM more
Started: February 3rd 2014Replies: 0

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FAQs About Buying HUD Homes
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Neighborhood Resource Guide

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Foreclosed Homes Mean Big Discounts
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HOA, Landlord and Tenant Responsibilities
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