El Cerrito Heights

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Lost German Shepard

Our german shepard got out today and we cannot find her. If you find her, please bring her to 4626 59th st OR call 619-405-8827. 619-787-0611, 619-318-4725 She is very friendly. We just rescued her.... more
Started: August 29th 2015Replies: 0

Low-income housing

I missed the last 'hood meeting, but am interested if the issue of the low-income housing project was discussed. Does anyone know about this issue that was mentioned in the meeting flyer? By Stacy more
Started: June 16th 1999Replies: 1


I have noticed that the Lucky Lady Card Room is now called the Lucky Lady Casino. I was wondering if anyone else thinks this might be a problem. By Mary Wagner more
Started: June 23rd 1999Replies: 1

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Does Mortgage Aid Hurt Your Credit Score?
Home-in-lifesaversm Homeowners seeking mortgage help through loan modification programs such as HAMP and HAFA, may face another issue—lower credit scores. Loan Modification and Credit Scores Homeowners on the verge of...

Neighborhood Resource Guide

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Selling Your Home: Find The Right Real Estate Agent
Homesm These five steps will help you find the best realtor to sell your home. Your house is likely your biggest and most important asset. So when it comes time to sell, you want the best real estate agent to help...
5 Signs It's Time to Vote Off a Board Member
Board It’s the third time this year: A fellow board member has missed a month of board meetings, and isn’t responding to emails or phone calls. The board has already scolded them about attendance and...
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