Election Issue THREE

Posted in: Castlegate

I did not take notes about the garbage company change, however I do believe it was at the last meeting held we had two gentlemen give a presentation on their services.  These services included recycling.  One of the biggest benefits I saw to their services was how they would bill us. If I remember correctly, they would only bill us for the trash cans picked up.  This means any foreclosed home would not have garbage picked up and we would not be charged for that home.  I am guessing this is not the case with our current garbage company.  There are no hidden fees, remember the gas service fees.  The new company said the only way they would impose the gas service fees is if gas would go up to over $4.00 per gallon, and only after letting us know this was being thought of.  So no surprises.  At the end of the meeting the board did ask everyone that was still there if they felt we should change to this new company, can’t remember if there was a raise of hands or not, but the majority did want the new company.  Besides I believe it was said at the meeting that after our current contract was up, if we stayed with our current garbage company they planned on raising their rates.  So I personally can see more than one benefit of choosing this new company for recycle and garbage.


Now should a mailing be sent out? Yes.  I believe this still will happen as we are still under contract with the current company until or through November.  Did Oasis fail again to give a more noticeable notice of the meeting, YUP.  Something tucked away or written on the bottom is not a very noticeable way of communicating the meeting times.


The real question for you Van, will you separate your recycleables ?  If so then hey this should work for you.


I aggree with you and the other gentelmen, I do not want garbage cans infront of the gate.  If you have to shuffle the cans it will only take a 30 secs.  I can see trash falling out before pickup and ending up in the neighbors yards, only to have them come to the HOA meetings yelling about how they have to continue to pick up trash from their neighbors.  This would be a start of another mess.  If the sideyards are too small to hold both cans, roll them to the backyard.

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  • roughneck
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I agree with all of you about the trash cans being left out. I do not want trash blowing into my yard. It is hard enough to keep up with the damn tumbleweeds!!!! :) I am voting no on that issue!! And I urge all of you to vote no on that as well!!!!


As far as being told about the meeting there was a mailer sent out for the last meeting. It was in with the breakdown of your HOA dues billing thingy. :)


As for the new trash company, I was at that meeting and the board voted at the end. They did ask the people that were left what we thought and the majority liked the recycling and the new company. The new company had a great presentation and answered everyones questions with out hesitation. I am all for it.



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  • castlegate
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  • Queen Creek, AZ
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Thank you to all who answered up to this one and explained it.  It saved me from having to write a drawn out explenation!

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  • granny02
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"they did ask the people that were left what we thought"okay so let me get this straight they wait till after the meeting was over and what few remain and I really don't know how many stayed behind maybe you can inform me of this. was a good idea. Why did they close the meeting if they wanted some input from everyone instead of just a few?

So thanks  for making my point of not getting more input from the people who are paying the bills. I have no problem with the recycling, or that they brought someone in to

talk about his or her company. My problem is that at some point the board decided  it was a good idea to go this route, bring someone in for a presentation and then vote.

What I would like to see happen is we come to a meeting, inform us that they are thinking about it and at the next meeting they will have someone come in and talk about it and get our feeling on it. Then that way they have time to send out a notice, informing everyone,they are thinking about going to recycling, and that someone will be there to answer any question they may have. Then who knows you may have had more people showing up and that way more opinion would of been heard instead of just a few who stayed behind.  This is why most of the meeting end up with people getting upset and leave because they have no idea at what is going on then they get on here to vent.  This is called lack of communication and leadership on the part of the Board.

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