Election Issue THREE

Posted in: Castlegate
  • Stock
  • vrflanders
  • Respected Neighbor
  • Queen Creek, AZ
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  • Respect-O-Meter: Respected Neighbor

Well Brad, to answer your question I will continue to save my aluminun cans and take them in and get paid for them. Will I seperate the rest of it? Don't know yet will have to see what the rules are. The part I don't like is only once a week

  • Stock
  • azschaefer
  • Respected Neighbor
  • Queen Creek, AZ
  • 107 Posts
  • Respect-O-Meter: Respected Neighbor

I don't know about anyone else, but the two of us don't normally fill up our trash can for both pickups. Unless there are grass clippings or we've had a party, once a week works for us.


However, I realize there are families that include more people and every family is different, but recycling is a great way to reduce a lot of the need for 2 trash pickups and the what goes into the landfills. I  was very disappointed when we moved here 4 years ago and recycling was not available. We had recycling in Mesa, as do many other areas, for many years and we were used to separating. It became second nature before too long. While I am happy that the decision to get recycling was made, it could have and should have been made last year.


I think the poor way the ballot issues were written and presented to the community will confuse people and they may vote yes not fully understanding the intent behind it and no where does it say just "one" can can be in front of the gate.


Also, stating that "while the Association hopes to keep the community looking neat and hopes that trash cans will not be left out for an over long period of time" is not specific enough and allows for more than one can (plural cans) to be left out at a time. This contradicts what was previously stated. How long is "over long period of time". This is left up to interpretation, which is something that should not be left up to the individual homeowner. This smacks of incompetency.


Personally, I don't like the idea. We have a difficult time now with people that are out of compliance with the CC&R's. Not too mention any animals that might get into it. Even though its nearly impossible to collect a fine these days because HOA's have lost the ability to lien for fines, as a community we should do everything we can to ensure our property values increase not continue to decrease.

Not sure when you had left the meeting, but the board did ask the people at the meeting their thoughts about changing garbage companies and voted before the meeting was adjourned.  Which does bring up a thought which combines this thread and the Basic Communication thread.  Our secretary takes mins.  These mins. are open for anyone to see, what if on this website the mins. of the meetings were posted as well?  This would give anyone a chance to see what they missed if they were unable to attend the meeting.  Also in the mins. would be what will be discussed at the next meeting, if there were any plans of presentations etc.


Van, I have lived in communities that have recycling and communities that do not.   Castlegate community has been asking for recycling for about 4 years now.  Recycling is not hard and you will find your regular trash can will not get full as quick.  We currently have 3 people living in our home and there are many weeks I do not put out my trash can on both pickup days, because there is only 1 bag inside.  I am not sure how many people you have at home but you do have a option of paying, I think it is $9.00 per month for a extra can.  If it is smell your worried about, I put anything that might smell either down the disposal or in the freezer until trash day.  Hope this helps your concerns.  We might have to go over to Mr. Simonsen’s home and empty some beer cans to add to your aluminum collection.

  • Stock
  • vrflanders
  • Respected Neighbor
  • Queen Creek, AZ
  • 178 Posts
  • Respect-O-Meter: Respected Neighbor

Re: go over to Mr Simonsens. Sounds good to me.

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