Elk Creek Farms

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Elk Creek HOA Board Members

The Elk Creek Board Members are here to serve the common good of the neighborhood and ensure that Elk Creek Farms remains a beautiful and peaceful neighborhood in which to live.

We encourage all residents to participate in open discussions here on the web site to ensure that we the board members address any issues or concerns that you have.

We also encourage residents to take advantage of the information and tools on the website, and welcome any suggestions.

Treasurer, ECF HOA Paige Willover
Email: thewillovers@comcast.net

President, Elk Creek HOA Glenn Davis

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Sale of LG 55UQ75 4K Smart TV

Hello all,   **********Moving Sale********   Sale of LG 55UQ75 4K Smart TV------$300 New In original Box more
Started: September 17th 2023Replies: 0

Go meet the neighbors on the facebook group page

Did you know that we have a closed Facebook group page now? Go ask your neighbor to add you to our group. Nobody comes to this site anymore.    Corey more
Started: November 11th 2014Replies: 0

Dog Walking WTF!

  Can someone please tell me what planet these dog walkers have arrived from? Apparently when they got off the mother ship they didn't get the memo about walking their dogs on other peoples... more
Started: June 9th 2014Replies: 0

Elk Creek Farms Real Estate and Home Values

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How To Buy A Short Sale Property
Shortsalesm You’ll need time and the right temperament to purchase a short sale property, but you could save thousands if you do. It’s no secret that some great real estate deals are out there, thanks to our...

Neighborhood Resource Guide

Find essential information for homeowners, associations, and the community.
Retirement Planning: How much do I need to save?
Piggybanksm This is the second of a four-part article series meant to help you start planning for retirement. This article provides general estimates to help you determine how much you need to save for retirement. Your...
How to Get a Building Permit
Permit We have discussed how to obtain zoning permits, but what's the next step? Before construction can begin, a building permit is needed, as well as a number of inspections of the work site. Luckily, contractors...
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