Elliott-Chelsea Houses Tenants' Association

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There is something the forum should know: the doorman at The View Bar, 232 Eighth Ave., Chelsea, assaulted a patron, a friend of mine, outside the bar on Friday evening. The patron was leaving with a... more
Started: March 22nd 2010Replies: 0

HDFC Co-op FRAUD affects US!

I have lived in the LES for about 7 years. I have been subletting an hdfc low-income co-op for $800. I recently found out that there are major restrictions on subletting and that profits are not to be... more
Started: April 23rd 2003Replies: 5

High School Transfer Applications Open at JVL...

  If you know any young person who wants to earn a high school diploma while working on an internship, JVL Wildcat Academy maybe for you! Transfer applications are available for February... more
Started: December 18th 2014Replies: 0

Elliott-Chelsea Houses Tenants' Association Real Estate and Home Values

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How To Buy A Short Sale Property
Shortsalesm You’ll need time and the right temperament to purchase a short sale property, but you could save thousands if you do. It’s no secret that some great real estate deals are out there, thanks to our...

Neighborhood Resource Guide

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Catch Up On Your Retirement Savings
Profitlosssm It’s been one financial blow after another for many Americans over the past few years, and you may find your retirement savings have veered off track. While this can be discouraging, there are ways to...
Resigning from your HOA Board? Don't Make these 5 Mistakes!
Resign Resigning from your HOA board can be a harrowing but sometimes necessary decision. There may be many reasons for your resignation, but no matter your logic, you should know how to resign properly. Here are...
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