FOCUS - Friends of Concord / United South End

Meeting Notes Feb 19, 2003

Feb 21, 2003

Meeting Notes
February 19, 2003
72 N. Main Street, Concord, NH

PRESENT: Amy Sheridan, Carol Hargrove, Heidi Douglas, Judy Dickinson, Mike
Tardiff, Randy Raymond, Charlie Bauer, Amy Currie.

The new website is If anyone wants to post a link on the
website, contact Heidi Douglas. Many links are already up, including meeting
notes, the Abbott Downing group, and pubic interest sites. Sheridan noted that
the most important things should be first because of the frame structure of the

There will be a neighborhood workshop on March 22, with a follow up meeting
later. The primary issue for the workshop is that the city is repaving Broadway,
Carter, Allison, and Pillsbury. The broader issues are that FOCUS will be a
self-sustaining, broader project.

Dickinson noted that she drafted a poster or flier for the 3/22/03 workshop.
FOCUS was the most prominent name on it, with 20/20 Concord billed as the co-sponsor. Sheridan commented that the flier should be specific that it will
be Broadway, Carter, Pillsbury and Allison Streets that will be re-paved by the
City this Summer. Tardiff noted that other issues on other streets could affect
Broadway, and he suggested that the second bullet be expanded to indicate that.
Hargrove suggested emphasizing key words on the flier. The group agreed that
the agenda was lengthy because of the amount of things that need happen there.

Bauer suggested making copies of the flier and having the group take copies home
and look at it before next week. Tardiff asked if we were planning on using
some of the workshop time to educate the neighborhood about traffic calming,

Sheridan explained that her understanding that the national speaker will offer
one traffic calming session and a follow up meeting. The initial presentation
explains traffic calming, its devises, where they can be used, and what it does and cannot do. Then the discussion turns to the specific four street areas.
With a big street map and pencils, the speaker has small groups draw potential
plans. The speaker summarizes what will work, and recommends what else would
work using engineering expertise. This will take 3 to 4 hours. Once a plan is
created and approved, it can be taken to the city for comment and (hopefully)
for approval.

Bauer asked if the second meeting would be the following Tuesday. Sheridan
explained that the follow-up session would not be for at least a couple weeks.
Tardiff explained that value is added because the expert would come back with a
detailed engineering template that could be applied to other parts of the city.
Sheridan explained that the technical engineering data goes into the final

The group agreed that we would like to get a change order in the paving

Raymond highlighted six points
1. What got us here? Richmond, 20/20, the Rumford School meetings, Dan Burden
2. Specific Street scheduled for investment. Broadway, Carter, Pillsbury,
3. What do the attendees sees as the issues in this area?
4. Traffic Calming presentation
5. Neighborhood suggestions/debriefing
6. Other Hot Spots

Tardiff noted that the face of the meeting should be a local face. He noted
that phase 2 should be more than just the four streets. The group agreed that
a map with colored dots would be the best way to highlight hot spots.

Sheridan noted that the biggest question will be the issue of what is going to
happen with West Street and Broadway, and South Main is important too. We need
to clarify that we cannot do this in vacuum, we should not discuss each street
individually, but there needs to be a small area on which to focus. It needs to
be looked at systemically.

Dickinson noted that the city's CIP to re- pave these streets has forced the
short-term agenda. Tardiff suggested asking the expert for help with the surrounding streets. Sheridan suggested changing number six to "Context

Raymond asked where the meeting was scheduled. Dickinson noted that cafeteria
at Rundlett would be the most likely location.

Tardiff asked if the follow up meeting could have more detail.

Sheridan and Tardiff agreed that there must be to be both meetings in order to
adequately design and "sell" the plans to the city. Tardiff asked Raymond for
his opinion on the need for the larger context. Raymond asked if anyone knew if
Duprey was going forward with the Blue Cross/Blue Shield Building.

Dickinson pointed out that we have the following immediate goal: 1) ) determine
the best way the four streets re-paved with traffic calming devises built into
the projects.

Sheridan pointed out that Allison and Pillsbury are a pair, but Broadway does
not have a competitor. Tardiff noted that context is important when dealing
with West Street. We suggested that we have another day with the expert to look at South Main Street and West Street, and bring suggestions. This could then be
brought as suggestions to the city.

Sheridan asked if the residents and businesses on south main were targeted by
FOCUS. Dickinson noted that they were intended to be part of the area.

Bauer suggested that the workshop be focused on the four streets that will be
paved. Once those issues are dealt with, then we can look at the other pieces.
The group asserted that West Street is an important street. Sheridan suggested
that Tardiff and Bauer talk to Roger Hawk about this. Options for West Street
include one-way and two-way.

Tardiff emphasized that if we do not engage people now for the other streets we
lose the opportunity for another year.

The group agreed that there should be some kind of form, whether electronic or
paper, that people could use to send suggestions to FOCUS about hot spots, etc.

Raymond noted that because there will be no meeting next week, we will be pressed for time. He reminded the group that we needed to reserve the school
under the 20/20 name because of liability. He stressed that we need to lock an
agenda into place.

The group discussed whether to have the meeting in the morning or afternoon.
Discussion ensued. The group agreed that afternoon would be better.
Dickinson offered to send the draft of the flier to everyone for final
revisions. The group agreed to meet next week, with limited members.

Sheridan asked for specification on who's sponsoring which pieces. She asked
that 20/20 get publicity and that the city get billing. Tardiff asked for
clarification about the city. Sheridan suggested that FOCUS make sure that Hawk
and Drucker are included and feel happy about their involvement.

Bauer suggested that the city be kept in the process. Raymond suggested that
they be invitees. Sheridan suggested that it should be noted that FOCUS is
hosting, 20/20 is sponsoring it, and include participation of the city. Dickinson noted that the PTO offered support, but did not want its name used as
a sponsor. Sheridan suggested providing the city staff with the agenda when
they are invited. It was recommended that Dickinson add language about city
staff being invited.

Sheridan emphasized that if FOCUS takes care of the man (or woman) hours, 20/20
can take care of paying for copies, refreshments, etc. The group decided the
workshop will be held from 12:30 to 4:30.

The group decided that it must be made clear that the follow up meeting will
happen, and the summary should included identifying the most important pieces
that it would like to see done if the city will only fund a few.

The next meeting will be on Wednesday, February 26, 2003 at 7 p.m. at 47
Broadway, Concord.

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