Fairbrooke Tract A Homeowners Association was originally formed as a non-profit corporation in January of 1996 by Kingston and Associates, LLC, the project’s developer. All seventy residences in the P.U.D. were built by either Bronsert Construction or C&M Homes (now Westmark Homes). In 2001, control of the neighborhood was turned over the Homeowners Association, with the charge of managing “the business and affairs of the Common Interest Community.”
Membership is limited to, and required by law for all owners of property within the association’s boundaries. Each property carries one vote in the association, and each property is liable for dues amounting to 1/70th of the total association expenses.
The association is currently self-governed by the executive board (see Neighborhood Contacts). The board is composed of 5 volunteer positions filled by homeowners, and voted in by the association members at the annual meeting. Monthly board meetings are very informal and are open to any association homeowner.
Pursuant to the Declaration of Covenants, the Association’s Architectural Control Committee must maintain “a consistent and harmonious general character of development and a style and nature of building design and visual appeal consistent with the natural beauty and features of the Common Interest Community.”
Before planning any major changes or additions to your landscaping, residence, or structures, please review Articles VIII, IX, and X of the Covenants. No building, fence, wall, or other structure may be erected, placed, or altered (including painting) on any Lot until the plans have been approved by the Architectural Control Committee.
For more information, please contact the association treasurer(see Neighborhood Contacts). Legal documents can be obtained from the HOA Website at http://fairbrooketracta.org
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Fairbrooke Tract A Homeowners Association was originally formed as a non-profit corporation in January of 1996 by Kingston and Associates, LLC, the project’s developer. All seventy residences in the P.U.D. were built by either Bronsert Construction or C&M Homes (now Westmark Homes). In 2001, control of the neighborhood was turned over the Homeowners Association, with the charge of managing “the business and affairs of the Common Interest Community.”
Membership is limited to, and required by law for all owners of property within the association’s boundaries. Each property carries one vote in the association, and each property is liable for dues amounting to 1/70th of the total association expenses.
The association is currently self-governed by the executive board (see Neighborhood Contacts). The board is composed of 5 volunteer positions filled by homeowners, and voted in by the association members at the annual meeting. Monthly board meetings are very informal and are open to any association homeowner.
Pursuant to the Declaration of Covenants, the Association’s Architectural Control Committee must maintain “a consistent and harmonious general character of development and a style and nature of building design and visual appeal consistent with the natural beauty and features of the Common Interest Community.”
Before planning any major changes or additions to your landscaping, residence, or structures, please review Articles VIII, IX, and X of the Covenants. No building, fence, wall, or other structure may be erected, placed, or altered (including painting) on any Lot until the plans have been approved by the Architectural Control Committee.
For more information, please contact the association treasurer (see Neighborhood Contacts). For legal documents, go to http://fairbrooketracta.org
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