Fairview House Condo Assoc., Inc.

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empty homes --- realtors, swales full of bulk...

empty homes --- need night security light to detract crime  ... more
Started: October 24th 2008Replies: 0

2nd terrace - speed bumps needed

speed bumps are needed all along 2nd Terrace ( ------ Starting from where the community center , kids play ....off 56th and 2nd terrace  north bound til where it turns into another street... more
Started: October 24th 2008Replies: 0

empty homes - economy -

I see empty homes..   I hope to get the kind of neighbors that want to keep their home looking nice..  not noisy people who have parties at all hours and drink til they drop... more
Started: October 10th 2008Replies: 1

Fairview House Condo Assoc., Inc. Real Estate and Home Values

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FHA Mortgage Insurance
Familyhome120 Buying a home with an FHA Loan? Putting less than twenty percent down? You will very likely be required to purchase FHA mortgage insurance. What Is FHA Mortgage Insurance and Who Needs It? Mortgage insurance ...
Tags: HomeownerFHA LoanMortgageThrifty

Neighborhood Resource Guide

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Should you refinance your home mortgage?
Housequestionsm Learn about the mortgage refinance process, if you qualify to refinance your home loan, and whether or not refinancing might benefit you. The recession may be over, but most Americans wouldn’t know it....
How to Adopt a No Smoking Policy for your HOA
Smoking Steps to help guide the process of adopting a no smoking policy for your community. Establishing a no smoking policy for your homeowners association community can help increase property values and reduce the...
Tags: AssociationLegalHealth
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