Fairway-Draper Ridge

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Barrister's By-Laws?

Just a suggestion, but how about posting the Association's by-laws on this site as a reference when we need to check on something? I'm sure many of us have lost our copy, esp. if we've owned our home... more
Started: April 6th 2007Replies: 4

Looking to Buy a first Starter Home

Hello, I am NOT an investor; I just have some savings to buy a starter home in Fairfax 22031, Annandale/Falls Church; my Budget is +/- $280K - low condo fees if any; would love to talk to any owners... more
Started: April 24th 2020Replies: 0

Lost Cat - Calico - Female

Hi Neighbors,   My sweet Calico, Miss Piggy, has been missing since September 13, 2010.  She is petite, 5-6lbs.  She has a black "shell" with orange spots and her chest and belly are... more
Started: October 21st 2010Replies: 8

Fairway-Draper Ridge Real Estate and Home Values

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For Sale By Owner: How To Sell Your Own Home
Forsalesm_th Selling your home on your own can save you thousands of dollars in commissions, but you have to be willing to put in the extra effort. Learn how to go through the “for sale by owner”...

Neighborhood Resource Guide

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The Adoption Home Study Process
Cormany48thumb The laws of every State and the District of Columbia require all prospective adoptive parents (no matter how they intend to adopt) to participate in a home study. This process has three purposes: to educate...
Special considerations when excluding home sale gain from taxes
Home Don’t meet the IRS’s ownership and use requirements to exclude some or all of the gain from your home sale on your income taxes? You may still qualify. Members of the military, married couples,...
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