Families of Missing Loved Ones

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The Families of Adult Missing Loved Ones have come together in an effort to raise awareness for our Missing Loved Ones and for other loved ones who may come missing. We support one another, because we feel each other??™s pain and frustration. We need our community??™s support. Picture life without your children. Knowing the possibility of someone getting way with murder is very difficult to live with. Our goal is to obtain as much media attention to our missing loved ones cases as we possibly can. The media is able to reach those that otherwise are unreachable. The community can help the families of missing loved ones by looking at the flyers and posters displayed in local businesses, on milk cartoons and on the banners displayed across your computer screens. Really look at those picture, it??™s simple and takes very little time. Make an effort never to be unresponsive about studying these pictures. We need to know that our community remembers our loved ones are not yet home. As family members of Missing Loved One, we know that we must keep up the faith and possibly we will find our answers. Today you have your loved one, tomorrow you may not. We ask the community to help us bring our loved ones home. There may be something very trivial that someone may have seen or heard that could bring about an answer to any one of our cases. If anyone knows anything, we ask that you please make that call and help us in our search for our Missing Loved Ones. Help us bring them home.


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