In October 1998 Kansas City Neighborhood Alliance contacted the FOCUS Kansas City office to determine how the two organizations could work together in assessing neighborhoods. As it turned out, numerous departments at City Hall and other organizations working in Kansas City neighborhoods wanted to come together, learn what others were doing in the field, learn about neighborhood contacts and situations, and understand how duplication of services might be avoided. With numerous organizations assessing neighborhoods leaders get tired, reluctant and even callused toward the assisting organizations. The partnering organizations wanted to avoid the duplication of work, develop efficient tools and resources, and let neighborhood leaders know we were partnering in our efforts to provide the best service possible.
Since November of 1998, several organizations have convened to share what work they are currently doing and in what neighborhoods. They also announce new opportunities they have, new resources or successful strategies, and work with each other to increase everyone?’s understanding of individual neighborhoods. In April of 2000 the First Thursday group made a commitment to focus attention on the Partnership Lists identified in completed FOCUS Neighborhood Assessments.
Resource Review a partnership of First Thursday participants focused on assisting neighborhoods with the implementation of the Partners To Do Lists in the FOCUS Neighborhood Assessments.
Currently the First Thursday group meets on the first Thursday of every month at Kansas City Neighborhood Alliance in the board room on the second floor. If you have questions please contact: Jennifer Stone at 816-753-8600 or Millie Crossland at 816-513-3506.