The Fort Worth Runners Club publishes a monthly newsletter available to members. To receive the regular newsletter contact the Fort Worth Runners Club at:
Fort Worth Runners Club
P.O. Box 8181
Fort Worth, TX 76124-0181
for membership information. You can also reach us by calling our hotline: 817-654-5390 or visiting our
At our September meeting held at Palermo's on September 19,2001, new Officers and Board of Directors members were elected. These individuals will serve 2 year terms. All new electees will handle specific areas of Club business and activities with many serving as race directors for our 13 club races.
The newly elected Officers and Directors are:
President-Frank McGinty
1st Vice-President-Ed Kopiak (Membership)
2nd Vice-President-David Cabral (Races)
3rd Vice-President-Dave Hilprecht (Finance)
Treasurer-Dave Hilprecht
Secretary-Cindy Russell
Brant Austin
Ricky Cox
Walter Dalashmit
Curt & Rosemary Holliday
Gary Miller
James Newsome
Joe Thompson
Dave Henley
James Henson
George & Barbara Hitzfeld
Harvey & Lucy Opperman
Richard Stingley
We wish these Officers and Directors luck as they begin serving in their new capacities. Please feel free to attend any of the Club functions and communicate your ideas or desires to the newly elected members.
Selected articles from our monthly newsleter can be viewed on the club website: