July 6, 1999
7:00 PM FPNA General Meeting SE Civic Center
6401 SE Foster Road
This meeting will primarily be to discuss bylaws and making edits that will clean up some problem areas of the bylaws. Most of the items to be discussed are merely housekeeping. WE NEED 20 VOTING MEMBERS PRESENT TO RATIFY ANY CHANGE. PLEASE COME AND BRING OTHER MEMBERS OF YOUR FAMILY. I will try to arrange child care (my 15-year-old, Heather Rose).
Some of the problems with the bylaws are:
1. Changing to call the officers President, etc. instead of Chair -- since it is a non-profit corporation.
2. Defining the boundaries with what is in current use -- we are currently including an overlapping area across Powell.
3. Discussion about term limits.
4. Discussion about numbers of directors and perhaps adding "members at large."
5. Adding an official land use chair to represent us at SE Uplift. We have a chair but not an authorization to have ont in the bylaws.