Four Winds Homeowners Association

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Neighborhood Watch

We have in place a Neighborhood Watch Program. Please add to this blog any wishes you would like to see as a result of this program. On the 24th of JAN we held our meeting of the Lakeview Heights... more
Started: January 24th 2008Replies: 2

HOA Meeting Summary

For those of you who were asking... The meeting started with a lengthy discussion about security and the recent burglaries, as well as the armed robbery of a woman. A representative from the sheriff's... more
Started: January 27th 2008Replies: 2

LOST Mastiff

If there is anyone in the Montgomery area, particularly somewhere near the Norman Bridge...Please be on the look out for a large Female Pure Bred English Mastiff. She is mostly a light Tan color short... more
Started: December 12th 2012Replies: 0

Four Winds Homeowners Association Real Estate and Home Values

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Tips On Buying a Home
Hmbuy_th The U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD) provides information on a full range of housing topics including renting, buying, selling, and home improvements at Links to...
Tags: HomeownerHousingFinancialMortgage

Neighborhood Resource Guide

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IRS Audit: What To Expect And How To Survive
Irsauditsm The four words that every American shudders to think of: “You are being audited.” Learn what to expect and what you will need to do to survive an IRS audit. As a taxpayer in the United States, we ...
Tags: CommunityIRSStaff Pick
Rights of Homeowners at Board Meetings
Homeowner As homeowners, you are constantly being told that if you want change to happen within your HOA, that it must start with your HOA board. You may contact a board member personally, or simply email/call them, but ...
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