Fox Creek South Site Condos

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lawn care

Hello, I am looking to Aerate and Overseed the lawn. Can anyone recommend a good company?   Thanks, JT more
Started: April 14th 2020Replies: 0

Childerns Play Groups

This is a great way to meet new neighbors and make new friends. Parents who have children not yet in school and still want to get out of the house, a Play Group might be what your looking for. E-Mail... more
Started: October 15th 2007Replies: 1

Buying replacement windows

What brand or company of window is recommended? Which has been bad news? Base on your personal experience. thanks more
Started: September 2nd 2009Replies: 1

Fox Creek South Site Condos Real Estate and Home Values

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A Guide for First Time Homebuyers
Classifiedsm Neighborhood Link has created a series of articles for the first time home buyer that will help guide you through this exciting but some times overwhelming process. Buying Your First Home! Buying your first...

Neighborhood Resource Guide

Find essential information for homeowners, associations, and the community.
Owner Financing: How To Reduce Your Risk
Homeinhandsm Offering owner financing for the sale of your home can be a scary proposition, but there are ways to reduce your risk. Offering owner financing to a potential buyer of your home can provide you with an...
Organization: The Key To Effective Management
Organize1_th Can you find that paper you're looking for with minimal effort, or does it take hours? Organization is key to minimizing the time it takes to perform any task. We all know that there are a...
Tags: AssociationBoard
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