Below is the contact information for the Community Organizer of the Neighborhood College which will ''open its doors'' in Fall 2001.
In the next phase, an executive director will be hired, and contact information may change.
Peter Kokh
1630 N. 32nd Street
Milwaukee WI 53208
Home: 414-342-0705
Office: 414-342-0578
The Friends of Neighborhood College is a support organization of individuals who wish to support and help promote the program and growth of the Neighborhood College as an initiative by which residents of disadvantaged Milwaukee Neighborhoods can improve their lives by sharing knowledge and experience.
The Neighborhood College is not a place to get a degree. It is no substitute for an accredited institution with a professional faculty. Nor is it a set of buildings with a campus, a ''place'' identified by ''bricks and mortar.''
The ''Neighborhood College'' is a program of helpful courses taught in many convenient places: available school rooms, neighborhood offices, church halls, etc. A computer system links all the centers. Instructors are paid a minimal fee to show appreciation and encourage them to offer their services on a repeat basis. Students receive a reward incentive for course completion.
The gist of the idea is this. The thousands of people living in Walnut Hill and Washington Park and similar disadvantaged and challenged neighborhoods throughout Milwaukee surely include many individuals with appreciable knowledge, expertise, talents, and know-how. Some of them may welcome the opportunity to share that knowledge, experience, talent and know-how with others in the neighborhoods. ''Neighbors helping Neighbors!'' They would be recruited and/or trained to teach courses in whatever subject they know well or have an aptitude, to anyone who wants to learn. Instead of waiting for the city or state to help us (as, when, and if they see fit), we have the resources within ourselves to take charge of our own lives and help one another.