Presently we are conducting workshops to assists family with the Adoption And Safe Families Act. Many families are fighting against the child welfare system and the Act for the preservation of their families. It is very important that they know the law, according to the City, State, and Federal government in order to know how to fight for their rights. This law that has been enacten permits the termination of parental rights
Parents are in constant battle for the perservation of their families while the courts are overwhelmed with these families.Hundreds of children are left trapped in the foster care system after parental rights have been terminated.
Many of the youth are discharged into independent living by the child welfare administration. Facing life with no real foundation to build on in an ever changing world, of politic so, it imperative that the youth today are abreast of the situation as to the effects because of the cycle of abuse and neglect as it relates to them and statistics.
Please understand that we are not government funded but are fully self-supporting your contribution allows the replenishing of materials and further outreach services. If you are interested in bringing this workshop to your community to enhance the knowledge of those you love, contact Executive Director Jovanka Fairley at "GLORY" P.O.Box 754 New York NY 10272.
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