What is the Adoption and Safe Families Act?
It is an Act passed by the federal government making it a new law in 1997, that effects all children and threatens all families. New York State implemented the law February 1999 immediately affecting families and children with foster care issues. This law enables the Administration for Children Services and the Courts to terminate parental rightss and place a child for adoption without the consent of the natural parent.
What affect does the law have on family?
Family being as unstable today as it was yesterday this laws adds to the destruction of family and children in a fallen society. We live in a era where their are many individual in a state of emotional and psychological distress. We have a social service system where there is no accountability for service provides which is to the deterrment of the population they serve.
Administration for Children Services has a long track record for inappropriate action taken along with action not taken. The child specialist as call or better known as caseworker are not held accountable to actions taken that contradict the mission statement and purpose for which they are employed, further more they appear to be exempt from being brought to justice for direct damages inflicted upon the families and individual they are suppose to serve. There is a constant passing the buck oppose to accepting responsibilty for their action.
Presently there is no independent agency or organization outside of Administration for Children Services. Their investigations are all internal which allows for cover-ups of the most dangerous situations to which they are suppose to secure children and perserve families.