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First settled during the early 1800's, Galewood wasn't really developed until the 1920's and 30's.  The well built homes have been maintained and cared for by families in the neighborhood for many years.  Residents enjoy two parks nearby, Rutherford-Sayre and Amundsen Park, named for the Norwegian exployer who discovered the South Pole.  Galewood has been home to a large number of Norwegian families since the mid 1900's. 

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Where is Roseland Heights????

Where is Roseland Heights???? CHICAGO — where exactly do the borders of our neighborhood begin and end? If you are looking for an official decision on where each neighborhood exactly is, forget... more
Started: August 28th 2015Replies: 1

Blacks Still Have A Long Way To Go

  4:05 AM (5 hours ago)   to me             Convene a national commission on race and poverty BY JESSE JACKSONOctober 27, 2015   When the Founders wrote... more
Started: October 27th 2015Replies: 0

Tools of the White Power Structure.

Delmarie Cobb TBTNEWS COMMENTARY Nothing to Show For the Room Special Correspondent: Delmarie Cobb My mother used to say, “How can white folk lose when whites are for whites and blacks are for... more
Started: October 22nd 2015Replies: 0

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Owner Financing: How To Reduce Your Risk
Homeinhandsm Offering owner financing for the sale of your home can be a scary proposition, but there are ways to reduce your risk. Offering owner financing to a potential buyer of your home can provide you with an...

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How to Buy and Rent a Vacation Home
Vacationsm Buying a vacation home for rental and personal use can offer a number of advantages, but is it right for you? Learn what you should consider before purchasing, the tax implications of owning a vacation rental ...
5 Tips When Nobody Will Run for the HOA Board
Board What should happen when there is a vacancy and no one is ready to volunteer? Resigning or disqualified HOA board members can create unexpected board vacancies, and sometimes filling the vacancies can be a...
Tags: BoardHOA BoardAssociation
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