Ginger Creek Homeowners'' Association, Inc.

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I am a 14 year old kid looking for worlk around bithlo if you hear of any plz email me at more
Started: March 19th 2011Replies: 0

conservation areas

  The conservation areas at CornerLakes are not a playground or a dirt bike track. Some neighbors might not agree but you better look at the legal side of this: The property is owned by the HOA,... more
Started: January 19th 2009Replies: 0

Wall/Fence Ideas

Does anyone out there have any kind of Ideas how we can improve our Wall/Fence more economically?? We really need everyone's Input!! more
Started: November 20th 2007Replies: 5

Neighborhood Resource Guide

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How To Increase Your Social Security Benefits
Ssbenefitssm Learn what you and your family can do to get the most from your Social Security benefits. For many, Social Security is the only income they will receive upon retirement that is both guaranteed for life and...
HOA or Homeowner Association - What is an HOA?
Hoasm What exactly is an HOA or Homeowner Association? Who benefits from an HOA? Who is required to have an HOA? What kind of services does an HOA provide? The HOA or Homeowner Association An HOA or Homeowner...
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