Coconut Grove NET
Peacock Park
2820 McFarlane Road
Miami, FL 33133
Tel: (305) 960-4670
Fax: (305) 960-4679
Office Hours: Monday-Friday
8:00 a.m.- 5:00 p.m.
Provide information on City of Miami services and programs, i.e; housing, economic development, social programs and public improvements
Provide information on county, state and federal services
Provide and listen to ideas for improving your neighborhood
Communication between City of Miami and neighborhood and homeowner associations
Assist in the planning and promoting of special events.
You can contact your local NET office for the following:
Concerns Regarding:
Abandoned Vehicles
Garbage, trash or debris
Overgrown lots
Street maintenance and repairs
Unsafe structures
Zoning violation:
.Construction w/o permits
.Illegal rooming houses
.Illegal Units
.Junk cars
.Junk in the yard
.Parking/storage commercial vehicles
Certificate of Use
Occupational Licenses
Tree removal permits
Garage Sale Permits