(to come)
$ 3000 GWCA Fest
$ 1000 Garden Walk
$ 800 Newsletter
$ 500 Meeting Expenses (food/speakers)
$ 400 Contribution:LS Baptist Church
$ 200 Misc. Operating Expenses
The Graceland West Community Association (GWCA) was founded in February 1980. Many of the original members are still active!
GWCA's Purpose: (from Bylaws)
- To encourage a sense of community and develop a neighborhood spirit
- To provide an open forum to discuss community matters and their resolution
- To provide a united effort in the securing of city and neighborhood services
- To develop and preserve an appreciation for the historical significance of the area
- To encourage preservation, restoration and beautification of the neighborhood
- To promote an appreciation of the cultural diversity of the neighborhood
- To establish means to provide for the welfare of the community
GWCA is governed by a council of 9 members elected by the general membership. Elections are held every 6 months, terms are 18 months.
Six general meetings a year are mandatory. Meetings are held the second Tuesday of every other month at 7:30 pm at the Lake Shore Baptist Church, 4100 N. Greenview.
All residents in the community are welcome to attend. Only paid members can vote however.
A newsletter is distributed to all residences at least prior to each meeting.
Terry Baublis.......December 2002
Tom Miller..........June 2002
Marcia Nowak........June 2003
Finbarr O’Callaghan.June 2003
Louise Rosenberg....December 2002
Joy Schaad..........December 2002
Judie Simpson.......June 2002
John Sorgatz........June 2003
Jon Subak...........June 2002
(See contact info elsewhere)