Greater North Pulaski Development Corporation

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Impacted by flooding?

The Center for Neighborhood Technology wants to hear your story.   Flooding has been long been viewed as a messy but unavoidable nuisance in Chicago, but the Center for Neighborhood technology... more
Started: June 24th 2011Replies: 0

Where is Roseland Heights????

Where is Roseland Heights???? CHICAGO — where exactly do the borders of our neighborhood begin and end? If you are looking for an official decision on where each neighborhood exactly is, forget... more
Started: August 28th 2015Replies: 1

Blacks Still Have A Long Way To Go

  4:05 AM (5 hours ago)   to me             Convene a national commission on race and poverty BY JESSE JACKSONOctober 27, 2015   When the Founders wrote... more
Started: October 27th 2015Replies: 0

Greater North Pulaski Development Corporation Real Estate and Home Values

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Lower Your FHA Loan Payments
Houseonmoney120 If you have an FHA loan, a new loan modification program can help you lower your monthly payments. Lower Your FHA Loan Mortgage Payments Have an FHA loan? Want to reduce your mortgage payments? Loans backed...
Tags: HomeownerFHA LoanMortgageThrifty

Neighborhood Resource Guide

Find essential information for homeowners, associations, and the community.
Why You Need a Personal Health Record
Medicalrecordsm Storing and tracking your medical records online can help save you time, money and possible health complications by taking an active role in monitoring your health. Pop quiz: Name the medications prescribed...
Architectural Policies:
Houseblueprints_th Make Sure Your Association Has Them! Community associations maintain control over the common elements and exterior appearance of the units and buildings for various reasons. Most common interest ...
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