Green Spring Valley Homeowner Association

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Welcome to Green Spring Valley!

GSV has several groups and clubs that meet monthly such as our book club, mom's club, gourmet club, garden club and lunch bunch. The monthly calendar shows the meeting dates and times for each activity. All members are welcome to participate in any GSV activity or club function. All you need to do is call and a co-ordinator will welcome you.

Anyone wishing to start a new group or co-ordinate any social function for the nighborhood can contact a Board member. The Board welcomes your ideas and will help you with your plan.

Green Spring Valley HOA celebrated its 25th anniversay in the year 2000. We are a deed restricted community with mandatory membership and 523 residences.

Our unique atmosphere is attractive to our residents and newcomers to North San Antonio. Our community was originally designed as a showplace of nature and beauty. Our roads were constructed and homes built as not to disturb the natural terrain. And, we enjoy a 32 acre nature preserve!


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Lost Dog

Just moved into Green Spring Valley this week and we have lost our dog.  Chihuahua Terrier mix.  Black and Gray.  She is about 13 years old, 10-11 lbs and answers to the name of... more
Started: October 8th 2015Replies: 0


I live in green spring valley, we play pickleball most mondays,tues. wend. looking for more neighbors to come and play so the hoa will paint the lines on the tennis courts. If you live here and would... more
Started: March 19th 2012Replies: 6

pool key

I am trying to find out how to get a key for the pool.  Still waiting for someone to respond.  I have called everyone I know but still no answer.  Would love someone to respond. ... more
Started: May 31st 2012Replies: 0

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What is Foreclosure?
Foreclosurethumb In order to purchase your house you probably had to borrow money from lending institution (bank, mortgage company, etc). When you signed the load documents you agreed that in the event you cannot make your...

Neighborhood Resource Guide

Find essential information for homeowners, associations, and the community.
Pick The Medicare Part D Plan That's Right For You!
Medicaredsm Tips and considerations for picking the Medicare Part D plan that will meet your prescription drug insurance needs. If you qualify for Medicare, you’ll want to consider adding Medicare Part D to your...
CC&R's - Isn't that a 60's Rock Band?
April2_th Whether during the construction of your new home or just prior to closing, you should have received a copy of your association's CC&R's, which stands for Covenants, Conditions, and Restrictions....
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