Greenville Downtown Historic District

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Hi, there is a new discussion forum for those of you who wish to really speak and be listened to. This forum was set up to see how the people of Northwood Hills really feel about having a property... more
Started: January 21st 2008Replies: 2

Section C gets a free ride.

I just talked to our President (Art Gandy) today Feburary 14, 2008 and asked him about the issue with Section C not being written into the Plat Book. He said Section C is not included, or part of the... more
Started: February 14th 2008Replies: 3

FEMA Trailers

My wife now suffers from aggravation of asthma and we all had the Katrina cough for months. I'll leave it up to the experts about whether formaldehyde in the FEMA trailers is a cause. Nevertheless, we... more
Started: February 15th 2008Replies: 0

Greenville Downtown Historic District Real Estate and Home Values

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FHA Refinance Loan Options and Guidelines
Fharefism There are two possible scenarios when considering an FHA refinance. Both of these scenarios are based on what kind of current loan you are trying to refinance. FHA Refinance First Step The first step in...

Neighborhood Resource Guide

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Energy Efficient FHA Mortgages
Dollarhouse_t In 1992 Congress mandated a pilot demonstration of energy-efficient mortgages (EEMs) in five States. In 1995 the pilot was expanded as a national program. FHA insured 27,150 EEMs in FY2001, 30,331 in FY2002...
Prevent HOA Board Member Burnout...
Burnoutsm Use these six steps to help prevent burn-out of your HOA board members. Your board is the heart and soul of your homeowners association (HOA). This group of volunteers ensures your property is running...
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