Greenwood Commons

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updated info on web page

Can we please have a updated web page with current info for us homeowners who travel and us the net to keep updated on all the happenings. Thanks! more
Started: October 9th 2004Replies: 0

Internet Cable Access update.

Insight Communications provided me with the following response when questioned about @Home access in our area. ------ Thank you for your interest in the Insight @Home high speed internet service in... more
Started: June 8th 2001Replies: 1

Newsletter Link

The Summer 2001 Newsletter has been added as a link under Community Links on the home page. more
Started: July 14th 2001Replies: 0

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What is Foreclosure?
Foreclosurethumb In order to purchase your house you probably had to borrow money from lending institution (bank, mortgage company, etc). When you signed the load documents you agreed that in the event you cannot make your...

Neighborhood Resource Guide

Find essential information for homeowners, associations, and the community.
Get Rid Of Old Debts: Know Your Rights!
Pastduesm By law, debt collectors cannot sue you to repay a time-barred debt. If you have old debt, there’s good news and there’s bad news. Bad news first: you still owe the money. Now for the good news:...
Tags: CommunityStaff PickDebt
The Developer Controlled Community
Hardhatmagnify1_th Wow! Developer Controlled Community exactly what does that mean? During my many years of community management and working with developer-controlled boards of directors, I have found that the term is...
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