Harter Heights Area

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Thank you....

We would like to thank all who attended the Harter School Open House this evening! It was a great turn-out and we received more membership forms than we expected. In the next few weeks we will be... more
Started: August 22nd 2006Replies: 0

New to the area of canton Oh can anyone tell me...

Hello,I am intrested in finding out about the canton area Oh, I just bought a property on Rowland St in the 1,000 block can anyone tell me how is the area and if anyone needs a place to move since I... more
Started: March 26th 2008Replies: 0

Post office

How do you feel now that the post office decided not to do cluster mailboxes? By valerie more
Started: March 30th 2007Replies: 0

Harter Heights Area Real Estate and Home Values

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Obama Mortgage Rescue Plan FAQ
Lifepreservermoneysm Loan modification and loan refinancing are two components that make up the Obama Foreclosure prevention plan. This FAQ will help you determine if qualify and what you need to do. Obama's Making Home...

Neighborhood Resource Guide

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Keeping Your HOA Safe
Safetysm Take these simple steps to help keep your homeowners association community safe and secure. You know the saying: the best defense is a good offense. The same applies to the safety and security of your...
CC&R's - Isn't that a 60's Rock Band?
April2_th Whether during the construction of your new home or just prior to closing, you should have received a copy of your association's CC&R's, which stands for Covenants, Conditions, and Restrictions....
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