Ms. Sherry Billings
33 Aberdeen Ave.
Aberdeen MD 21001
Home: 410-272-8567
We are a group of volunteers dedicated to helping our community and environment. You can find our members working on various projects such as food drives, collecting donations or clean up projects.
Harford County faces lots of issues that go unnoticed such as homelessness, poverty stricken and unemployed people. Along with these issues we also have our environment to think about. We try to encourage people to live green and consider the environment. If not for the volunteers in Harford County, many of these issues would not be addressed. We are working to make Harford County a better place to live.
There are many ways you can help. You can volunteer your time with an organization that focuses on these issues and more, you can donate items, gift cards or money to help those less fortunate, or you can organize a clean-up project in your community.