(Please see "About Our Association" for information.)
The purpose of the Harlan Park Civic Association is to seek to improve the quality of life in the neighborhood in matters such as land use, traffic control, environmental protection, public services, consumer protection, and the enhancement of those homes within the boundaries of the Association. (Our most famous landmark, P. S. DuPont School pictured at left)
The objectives of the Harlan Park Civic Association are to:
A. Represent and advance the interests and concerns of the residents and property owners in the neighborhood.
B. Keep all residents informed of issues vital to the neighborhood by appropriate communications and meetings.
C. Establish Standing and Ad-Hoc Committees to investigate and make recommendations to the Association on all matters of neighborhood concern.
The Harlan Park Civic Association holds regular meetings on the first Wednesday of every month at the Riverside Medical Arts Pavillion at 7:00pm.