As a part of its annual winter coat collection drive, the HPCA is sponsoring a COAT COLLECTION EVENT on Monday, Jan. 15--the observance of the MLK Day of Service. Coats will be collected at the North Wilmington Branch Library at 34th & Market Sts from 11am-7pm.
The HPCA announced the start of its second annual Winter Coat Drive at its December meeting and will collect coats through the end of March. The hope is that the coat drive will promote a spirit of neighbors helping neighbors. The HPCA will link with charitable agency for the distribution of donated coats, but the needs of neighbors in our community will be given priority.
Coats of all sizes are needed: adult men's and women's coats, boys' and girls' coats and infant snowsuits. All donated coats should be clean and in good condition. To donate a coat, please call (302) 762-7453 or contact by email at
One Warm Coat, a non-profit agency which encourages coat drives nationwide, has offered organizing materials to the HPCA for its drive. One Warm Coat provides ideas and publicity materials for agencies and individuals seeking to sponsor coat collection drives and events. Their website address is: