1. Keep exterior lights on at night. Use energy saving light bulbs if you are concerned about the electricity.
2. Trim shrubs near your home so intruders cannot hide there.
3. Lock doors and windows. Lock doors even when gardening in yard.
4. Know your neighbors. A good neighbor is the best defense.
5. Park near street lights. Be alert leaving car and entering home.
6. Call the police if suspicious individuals appear on your block. Better safe than sorry.
1. Lock your doors and windows.
2. Use timers on lights. Make your home look "lived in" even when you are away.
3. Stop mail and newspapers. Arrange for lawn cutting if away more than a week.
4. Upon returning, don't enter your home if a door or window has been opened. Call the police.
1. Be alert.
2. Be cautious on the street and in parking areas.
3. Walk in well-lighted areas near curb.
4. Walk confidently and make eye contact.
5. If you must carry a purse, keep it near you and leave valuables at home. Don't risk your life over "stuff".