Heardmont Squares



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Photos provided by Panoramio. Photos are under the copyright of their owners.

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HUD Manufactured Home Fact Sheet
Mobil_th Description of Program The Manufactured Housing Program is a consumer protection program that regulates the construction of certain factory built housing units, called manufactured homes, formerly known ...
Tags: HousingHomeownerHUD

Discussions in Shelby County

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BNA Yard of the Month

I noticed that the Moss's have really worked hard this spring and their yard looks GREAT. Also the young couple next to the Green's have been working hard in their yard... Perhaps we should consider... more
Started: April 6th 2007Replies: 0


What can we do about the speeders in the neighborhood and running thru stop signs? Looks like most of them don't even live in the neighborhood. more
Started: April 4th 2007Replies: 0


Several Sheriff Deputies were on foot in our neighborhood on Tues afternoon, December 19 to test a new medic alert locator system. No need to be alarmed if you saw the deputies in black t-shirts and... more
Started: December 19th 2006Replies: 0
Resource Guide
Obama Mortgage Rescue Plan FAQ
LifepreservermoneysmDetails on the Obama Mortgage Refinance and Loan Modifcation Plan-Who qualifies and how to get it.
National Medicine Abuse Awareness Month
Pill-bottlesthumbMedicine misuse as the nation�s second biggest drug problem.
Do You have the Best Homeowners Insurance?
HomeinsuranceInsure your house for the rebuild price, not for the price you bought it.
Computer Safety in the Modern Age
Compsafety1_thHow to keep your computer safe from viruses, spyware, and email hoaxes.


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