Hearing Loss Association of Kentuckiana

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A self-help organization dedicated to education, advocacy and support for people who do not hear well and those around them.  

Mail at                    P.O. Box 6372,  Louisville KY 40206-0372

Visit our website at http://www.hearinglossky.org/



Friendships, education, technology, advocacy and information for hard of hearing people are most important for us. Ease of communication in all settings makes it enjoyable. We are all ages and walks of life, but we share a concern for communication in a hearing world and find that it is possible.

Hearing Loss Association of America Kentuckiana Chapter (HLAAKC) is the local Kentucky/Indiana chapter located in Louisville, which is an affiliate of HLAA. HLAAKC meetings are free, open to the public, and take place at 6:30 P.M. on the second Tuesday of the month at St. Leonard Elementary School Library, 440 Zorn Ave. Occasionally we meet at other places or at other times for different activities; any changes will be found in this newsletter. Real time captioning is used at the meetings.  If you would like to be added to the free HLAAKC list serve, to receive periodic email on hard-of-hearing issues, contact Info@hearinglossky.org.  

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