The Heart of Arlington

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The Heart of Arlington is a lovely area located in the heart of downtown with lower to higher end housing. In the middle of this cozy neighborhood is the University of Texas at Arlington. The neighborhood starts at Division Street to the North and runs to West Park Row to the South with South Davis Pine Grove to the west side and Cooper Street to the East.

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gas lease

do you have a group negotiating for a lease in your area? if so please email me. pam more
Started: February 5th 2008Replies: 0

ask for referrals before hiring a ROOFER

I've been hearing lots of horror stories about homeowners hiring crooked roofers..   They will take large deposits and dissapear   They will carry no Liability Insurance, which puts the home... more
Started: March 3rd 2017Replies: 0

Anyone need their fence, deck, or arbor stained??

Hello, I am an Off-Duty Firefighter. I Stain fences when I am off at the Fire Staion. Please call me for a free estimate anytime. 469-236-2255, or e-mail me at (DBA- "Morphis... more
Started: August 19th 2010Replies: 0

The Heart of Arlington Real Estate and Home Values

See the Latest Real Estate Information about this Neighborhood

Instant Home Value

FHA Mortgage Insurance
Familyhome120 Buying a home with an FHA Loan? Putting less than twenty percent down? You will very likely be required to purchase FHA mortgage insurance. What Is FHA Mortgage Insurance and Who Needs It? Mortgage insurance ...
Tags: HomeownerFHA LoanMortgageThrifty

Neighborhood Resource Guide

Find essential information for homeowners, associations, and the community.
How To Challenge Your Property Assessment
Moneyhousesm If your home value is dropping but your property taxes are not, you can appeal the assessed value of your home which may help lower your taxes. Property values are down, so why doesn’t your property tax ...
5 Signs It's Time to Fire Your Association Manager
Fired Terminating your contract with your association management company should not be done for light or transient reasons. But when an association management firm, for whatever reason, engages in a sustained series ...
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