Hickory Creek Homeowners Assoc.

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Cat under my pool deck area

Hi, there.  I live in Apple Green IV and am directly behind the original Apple Green neighborhood.  There is now a beautiful cat that has taken up residence to escape the deep snow under... more
Started: December 20th 2009Replies: 0

Neighbor Junk

As I do not have an HOA, who can I call about junk/trash in a neighbors yard?  more
Started: March 5th 2020Replies: 0

Elevation Certificates

   Hello,   I am looking at one of the cottages in Cove Point. My insurance company wants an elevation certificate. I was directed to this site by my realtor. Can anyone help me obtain... more
Started: November 5th 2013Replies: 0

Hickory Creek Homeowners Assoc. Real Estate and Home Values

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How To Buy A Short Sale Property
Shortsalesm You’ll need time and the right temperament to purchase a short sale property, but you could save thousands if you do. It’s no secret that some great real estate deals are out there, thanks to our...

Neighborhood Resource Guide

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Avoiding Foreclosure Rescue Scams
Sadthumb Behind every new foreclosure is a desperate family willing to do anything to save their home. And as foreclosures continue to mount across the U.S., so do the number of con artists trying to take advantage of...
5 Signs It's Time to Fire Your Association Manager
Fired Terminating your contract with your association management company should not be done for light or transient reasons. But when an association management firm, for whatever reason, engages in a sustained series ...
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