Hillview Terrace Neighborhood Association

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The Hillview Terrace Neighborhood Association voice mail is usually updated each Monday. You can leave a message and it will be referred to the person with the best information. If you call 911 for any reason, please leave a message on the voicemail AFTER you call 911 with information you would like to share with the neighborhood. The phone number is 214-967-5160. More...

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Keep it going?

I was wondering what happened to the Casa View Neighborhood Association? I just bought my first house and am very interested in keeping the current / old one going or possibly starting a new one? Any... more
Started: November 2nd 2007Replies: 2

Beautify Centerville Road

Does anyone think we should plant trees and beautify centerville road? I think that we should!!! Leave a post so we can discuss this effort! more
Started: June 27th 2007Replies: 2

Volunteer in Area

Does anyone want to volunteer and help out the neighborhood? I think that we need to develop a neighborhood association. If anyone is interested, let me know!!! more
Started: July 1st 2006Replies: 2

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How Can I Afford A Fixer-Upper?
House_th The purchase of a house that needs repair is often a catch-22 situation, because the bank won't lend the money to buy the house until the repairs are complete, and the repairs can't be done until the house has ...
Tags: FinancialHomeownerRepairs

Neighborhood Resource Guide

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Mortgage Fraud: How to Protect Yourself!
Sad Don’t become the victim of mortgage fraud. Learn about common mortgage scams and steps you can take to protect yourself. Mortgage fraud is on the rise. In 2009, the FBI investigated 67,190 mortgage...
Association Records: What's Available to the Members
May303_th The Association Bylaws and CC&R's usually provide wording on member access to Association records. The books, records, and papers of the Association shall at all times, during reasonable business hours, be ...
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