HANA is an association of homeowners formed in response to needs expressed by several homeowners in the older historical area of Arlington Heights bounded by Walnut Ave on the West Arlington Heights Rd. on the East, Elm St. on the North and Northwest Highway on the South. HANA began about 1979 in response to plans by a developer to build an 18-story high rise complex near the residential area bounded by the above streets. As a form of self protection and the need to speak with a unified voice the homeowners met to voice their opposition to this building complex, and in February of 1981 a constitution was submitted and the group was officially formed for the purposes of:
1. Maintaining residential integrity.
2. Supporting each other in fulfilling residential integrity.
3. Promoting unity in the neighborhood.
4. Influencing future village plans.
5. Decimating information.
6. Revitalizing community spirit.
7. Supporting other homeowner associations in town.
Minutes, HANA Meeting
Meeting Date: 10/09//2001
Prepared by
James G. Ballee, Secretary
Those in Attendance:
James G. Ballee
Nick Julian
Dan Walsh
Dave Landeweer
Cathy Witt
Ed Sobon
Dave Landeweer called the meeting to order at 805 P.M.
Agenda Items:
1. Old Minutes:
Mr. Ballee indicated that they were not completed.
2. New Business
A. Newsletter
A discussion was held concerning the cost of printing the newsletter.
Motion to have HANA pay printing bill for last newsletter
Motion made by Ed Sobon.
Second by Nick Julian
Motion carried unanimously.
Cathy Witt indicated she would explore obtaining a printer, (needs to print about 600 copies).
B. Meeting Dates
The board will meet at Recreation Park on the following dates: 11/13/01,12/11/01,3/12/02,4/9/02,5/14/02.
C. Old Fashioned Xmas
Greens orders must be in by 10/21/01 for delivery by 11/24/01.
Carriage rides tickets are due back by Nov 30th. As in the past, preference will be given to HANA members.
D. Donation
Motion allowing HANA to contribute $100 to the Red Cross.
Motion made by Jim Ballee
Second by Cathy Witt
Motion carried unanimously.
E. Web site
Jim Ballee will check out new web site called “neighborhoodlink.com”.
F. Hearts of Gold
Possible nominations for the “Hearts of Gold” awards were discussed. None were made.
Meeting adjourned at 8:30 P.M.
Meeting was adjourned at 9:00 P.M.