I met with Mark Richwine and Sam Thompson (Mr. Pohlit’s supervisor). We talked for about an hour. They listened to all my concerns and ‘took ownership’ of the lack of clear communication by Mr. Pohlit. Mr. Richwine said the brightness of the lights is a matter of industry standards and avoiding legal liability. Aesthetics don’t come in to play.
We discussed the full range of options including taking out the lights completely and additional landscaping to soften the impact of the new lights. Mr. Richwine spoke of ‘a continuum’ of possibilities from doing nothing, to amelioration – landscaping, etc., to taking the lights out completely (which IS a possibility, if the neighborhood supports it. They are reusable in other places). He spoke of ‘not making the same mistake’ in terms of communication moving forward with the park and the lighting situation. He wants to get a feel for the community consensus on this issue, starting with our conversation and continuing with the Thursday meeting with the committee.
He DID promise to plant a ‘specimen’ tree replacing the diseased tree in the park behind my house to help soften the impact of the lights on my property.
I would like to see the lights removed or the schedule severely curtailed. I would appreciate any support you are willing to give me on this.
Mr. Richwine and Mr. Thompson understand this. Now they’re looking for input from others.
That’s it in a nutshell.
If you have any questions, let me know.