Sept/Oct 2008 Homestead Homeowners Association Meeting
Rosanna Patrona-Aurand (303.697.0279) ,
Christy Pond, Dave Pond (303.325. 7329),
Merida Blackwell (303.697.8087),
Gerry Kroninger
The August minutes were approved.
The Logans have submitted plans for a large barn. Their color scheme will need to be approved by lots 33, 35, and 37. Otherwise, they will choose colors to match their home.
HHA directories continue to be passed out by Christy, who wanted to save mailing fees.
Please give her a call if you are still waiting for yours.
The annual picnic in August was well attended by Golden Meadows and Homestead residents. $25 was sent to cover partial costs of the port-a-potty.
Gerry K. did research on the replacement Homestead sign, and is in negotiations with Zuni Signs of Evergreen. Jefferson County allows a maximum height of 12 ft., so we will try to get a higher sign, reinforced by concrete and stone. After discussion, we have decided to get 2 signs, in a V configuration, so that the sign is equally visible from either direction of Hwy 285.
At the October meeting, the sign design was finalized. We can use the existing posts, and they will have iron supports. Zuni signs will give us a 15% discount on the total, which will come to $3406.08. Board members will check with Zuni Signs as they begin the new project, making sure that the signs are placed well.
We continue to have board openings. Please join us if you have an interest in the Homestead community.