IDEA Association

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Got an idea?

If you have an idea for a new business or a new business project maybe we can help you. Since 1993, we've been helping entrepreneurs and intrapreneurs do more Good Work*.

Each month, we invite successful entrepreneurs and project managers to share their experience with us.

In the past speakers have included Doug Root Of Jungle Quest, Willie Hinton, Judy Zerafa, Paul & Lloyd Lewan, Stan Gallery of Carts of Colorado, David Powelson of Tri-R Recycling, Sam Newton of Country Dinner Theater, Sam Boyer of Brothers Coffee,Ted Pinkowitz from here at Neighborhood Link, and many, many others. Check out the calandar here for upcoming speakers.

In the second part of the meeting, we use our unique Brainstorming Discussion to share experience and to help us all spark our creative thinking to solve business problems and take advantage of opportunities.

The focus of everything we do is on how dreams become reality. Meetings are free and open to everyone, we just as that you be willing to contribute your ideas to the Brainstorming Discussion!

*EF Schumacher in SMALL IS BEAUTIFUL says Good Work has three qualities: 1) provides a necessary product or service; 2)pays an adequate income to employees, owners, and vendors; 3) gives employees an opportunity for personal growth.


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Paint codes

Does anyone in the Alton Park subdivision have the original Sherwin-Williams paint codes for the interior colors? No one seems to be able to match it up. This would be for the 4th filing, if that... more
Started: March 1st 2005Replies: 3

Vacant Lots & Dumped Items

We have several vacant lots in this neighborhood that have couches, chairs and shopping carts dumped in them. Kids have been playing on and around these eyesores and may end up getting hurt. I called... more
Started: August 6th 1998Replies: 2

Garage Cleaning and Organizing

Is your garage in need of a make-over? Let me take the hassle off of your plate just in time for Spring and Summer. I will clean, organize your clutter, throw away junk, deliver donatable items to... more
Started: March 28th 2012Replies: 2
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Resource Guide
Developer/Homeowner Transition: A Guide To Success
Baton_thA how to guide to transitioning a development from developer control to owner control.
Super Director
SuperdirectorthumbHow many of us have experienced the Board member who wants to control all aspects of the association's operation
Mitt Romney Foreign Policy at a Glance
Mitt_romneyAround the world we see tremendous upheaval and change. Our next President will face extraordinary challenges.
Your HOA and the Fair Labor Standards Act
DolIf your homeowners association has employees, even independent contractors, then it may need to comply with FLSA regulations.

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