The Idle Hour Neighborhood Association is an alliance of citizens with a formality of organization and definiteness of purpose, working together in pursuit of all our common goals and objectives throughout the boundaries of the association while working together and in support of each other.
The Idle Hour Neighorhood Association will work as a whole with citizen, church, educational, civic, business, government and neighborhood leadership and participation to make our neighborhoood close, clean, active, viable and free of crime which will creae tradition and heritage, fostering friendship, fellowship and community spirit among all people.
As an alliance of concerned citizens all members will remain open-minded when addressing the immediate needs, problems and future goals and desires of our neighborhood, district and city. The association will mandate honesty, integrity, confidentiality and professionalism from the officers and all members and will strive to recognize the inherent dignity of all people of our neighborhood, district and city treating everyone just and honest, impartial and unprejudiced.
The Idle Hour Neighborhood Association will not be affiliated with any political party and will not endorse any candidates for elected office.