3 important items
First, I would like to say congrats to you Ron. I am an original homeowner, almsot 10 years in the neighborhood. I think it is safe to say we are seeing some changes in the neighborhood.
To begin with, one of my concerns is traffic and cars parked in the street. I've heard that not much can be done about cars parked in the street since it is a city street. My concern is that cars are parked on both sides of the street making it very difficult to squeeze through, especially when people are walking, riding bikes, or a car is approaching from the opposite direction. PLUS, in my OPINION, it gives the 'hood a trashy or negative look. In addition, I often see cars parked on the side near curves, which makes it extra difficult to manover around. Are there any ideas that could help ease this? Are other homeowners concerned about this? If so, could the board make recommendations to the homeowners? I'm sure there are those that will totally disregard and do as they please. However, if there are enough of us that feel as strongly, maybe we can influence our neighbors? Just a thought...
As far as the traffic is concerned, I live on a corner and see lots of speeders that go around the corner. With so many kids playing outside, this is dangerous! I think the next question is, how does one enforce slower speeds? What about speed bumps? Could that be researched/checked into?
Another concern I have is with noise, specifically from motorcycles. They speed around my corner quite often when the weather is nice. Can any kind of noise restriction be put in place? Can't hurt to ask, right?
Another concern, dog droppings. Yes, it is a concern. Being on a corner lot, my yard often gets ''dumped'' on. I think many homeowners are curtious and do carry a bag to clean up after their dog. However, there are those that don't show respect and allow their beast to dump on other neighbor's yards.
Could some recommendation be given to homeowners? How about a designated dog dumping area? Well, that may not be a good name, but like a play and release area for dogs. Owners would still need to clean up after their best friend.
Another concern, the young teens that cross through neighbors yards.
Because we have so many kids in the neighborhood now, can we collect/work together to get a small park or play area in one of the common areas?
Oh, I've seen a couple homes with siding off the side of their house. They have had this problem well over a month. Is there any way to enforce fixing up homes when problems like this occur? Can deadlines be set to ensure the owner fixes the problem in a timely manner? One would think that insurance should cover the problem. So why is the problem not fixed? Siding off homes (for lengthy periods of time) does not give a positive appearance to the neighborhood, in my opinion.
Another item, street lights in owner's yards that stay out for lengthy periods of time. Perhaps owners don't know that they should replace their light bulb when it burns out? Maybe a reminder could go out to remind owners to replace lightbulbs in their front yard posts?
I think that is all I have for now. Keep up the good work!