Ingersoll Park Neighborhood Association

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KC Plastering

There was a sign for KC Plastering nailed to our tree. I was a little miffed that somebody would actually nail a sign to my tree without even asking. I called the number for the company. I said thay I... more
Started: May 4th 2017Replies: 0


Has anyone in the neighborhood had their home fitted with a radon elimination unit? If so, who did the work? Thanks, Carolyn and Larry Strickler more
Started: February 6th 2015Replies: 0


Would anyone be interested in a Pro-life treadmill. It is in excellent condition but I need to turn the room into another bedroom. I am asking $250 if you transport it out of the house and $300 if we... more
Started: November 13th 2013Replies: 0

Ingersoll Park Neighborhood Association Real Estate and Home Values

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Tips On Buying a Home
Hmbuy_th The U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD) provides information on a full range of housing topics including renting, buying, selling, and home improvements at Links to...
Tags: HomeownerHousingFinancialMortgage

Neighborhood Resource Guide

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Clear The Clutter: Organze Your Financial Records...
Organizesm Learn how to organize your financial documents and clear your paperwork clutter. Organizing your financial documents doesn’t have to be complicated; in fact, the simpler your system the more likely...
What is the Zika Virus
Zika-virus-mosquitos If you keep up with current events, you may have heard of the Zika virus. Following the Ebola outbreak in 2014, another exotic sounding illness may seem scary, giving you all the more reason to educate...
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