Formed in 1959, the organization functioned effectively for over 20 years sponsoring social functions, area beautification and providing a representative voice for the community. In the late 1980's and early 1990's membership began declining and activities of the organization decreased until only a handful of people met periodically.
In November 1994, the neighborhood discovered a developer was planning a 300 unit, three story high apartment complex on 16.5 acres backing up to single family ranch-style homes. In addition the developer planned to put an unprotected retention pond on two sides of the community park, posing an attractive hazard to the children of the neighborhood. Membership quickly grew from less than 25 to 250 members as residents worked together to protect the neighborhood.
This problem forced the community to act quickly. The benefit of active participation in the association has become apparent to many residents. We now have over 330 members. Now is the time to build a strong Association to develop projects, to strengthen and protect the neighborhood.